6 Incredible Uses for Oregano Oil (Internal & Topical)

Oregano oil is already giving antibiotics and painkillers some serious competition. Among other things, it was found to be better than all the 18 currently used antibiotics for MRSA staph infections. This super herb is rich in phenol antioxidants that destroy pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and yeasts. This means there are many health benefits and uses … Read more

Best Magnesium Oil Uses: Pain Relief, Skin, Hair & More

magnesium oil uses and benefits

I discovered the amazing magnesium oil uses while looking for a natural solution for my sleep-deprived sister, suffering from a stiff neck and headaches almost every morning. After only a week of using pure transdermal magnesium oil (I got her this one, after some research), my sister is now insomnia-free and no longer suffers from neck … Read more