What do you look for in a woman’s face when you’re trying to guess her age?
(I know you play that little game sometimes…)
I look at the corners of her eyes.
Do you see why I had to find the ultimate anti-wrinkle eye serum – fast?
The eyes are not only the mirror of your soul, but the mirror of your age.
The skin around them is extremely delicate and thin, making it the ultimate place for wrinkles to come to visit and stay…
But here are the good news about making your own anti-wrinkle eye serum:
You don’t have to accept the verdict, and you definitely don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars to prevent and reduce crow’s feet, under-eye wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles.
The best way to deal with eye wrinkles is obviously to try to prevent them, but you can cut them dramatically by applying a natural, non-toxic, homemade anti-wrinkle eye serum.
Why Should I Make My Own Anti-Wrinkle Eye Serum?
A Homemade anti-wrinkle eye serum, made from organic ingredients, is safe, reliable and cost-effective:
1. You’ll find most of the ingredients in your refrigerator or cupboards.
2. YOU will make your own eye serum, so you’ll know that there will be no harmful additives and no hidden ingredients that may damage your skin or cause an allergic reaction.
3. The eye serum you’ll make has a natural preservative in it (Vitamin E Oil) and will last for months.
4. Your eye serum will be ready in a blink of an eye and is so simple you can do it with your eyes closed (all puns intended)
You can save a ton of money, take care of your eyes, and look better by creating some of your own products in the comfort of your own home.
The 2-in-1 Anti-Aging Eye Serum Recipe
This Eye serum (that works!) is good enough to fade both crow’s feet and dark circles (hence the 2 in 1 title…) and takes less than 2 minutes to prepare.

What You’ll Need:
1 oz. Sweet Almond Oil
3 Tsp. Vitamin E Oil
3 Tsp. Castor Oil
3 drops Carrot Seed Oil
1 tsp. Rosehip Seed Oil
1 Evening Primrose Oil Capsule
Mix the ingredients and store them in a dark glass bottle. Apply every night before going to bed.
You will love this eye serum.
Easier Alternative – the Basic Anti Wrinkle Eye Serum
Mix 1 oz. Sweet Almond Oil with 3 Tbsp Castor Oil, 3 tsp Vitamin E Oil, and one Evening Primrose Capsule.
And… you’re done.
Store it in a dark glass bottle and apply it every night.
Bonus Tip
I use this low-cost anti-wrinkle heated eye massager to help my serum penetrate better and deeper into my skin while increasing blood circulation to promote collagen production. It works amazingly well!
What about you?
Got 2 minutes?
Are you going to stare at the computer or make your own homemade anti-wrinkle eye serum?
Let me know if you have any questions and how it has worked for you, o.k.?
To your health and happiness
Update: I’m thrilled to find yet another excellent anti-wrinkle solution for the eye area… Go here to find out what it is!
It’s an oz.
Is it a fl oz of sweet almond oil or an oz?
yes, you can leave the Carrot seed oil out, but it’s not true about Castor oil clogging pores. It’s actually a well-known remedy for acne and many other skin issues. You can see my post about Castor Oil on Face
The pill goes in the mixture.
Just a question, I make the serum and use at night and then take the pill? Or do I cut open the.pill and put it into mixture?
Wonderful recipe. Any chance we can leave out the carrot seed oil (I am very sensitive to essential oils ) and replace the castor oil with a different oil? From reading the comments about castor oil, it seems that it clogs pores, and you’ll end up with lots of acne (not something I’m looking forward to)
Also, can we add some liquid co-q10 and bisabolol drops?
Thank you.
having recently spent over £40 on an eye serum only to find out it has PEG in it I have high hopes for this serum. buying all the ingredients was cheaper than the wee jar of the nasty stuff. Am trying to go as toxin-free as poss with menopause fast approaching. lol
I already made a homemade face mask and lip scrub and now I’ll be making this anti-wrinkle eye serum. This is an addition to my DIY beauty secrets to having healthy and glowing skin. Thank you for sharing this post. Will be making this by next week.
I recommend that you make this anti-aging serum.
Freckles (if they bother you…I think they are beautiful) – you can brighten with lemon and baking soda. But don’t go out to the sun after you apply it.
I would also start with red light therapy as a preventative, for me, it works great. You can read about it here: https://www.infrared-light-therapy.com/red-light-therapy-skin-benefits/
The last thing – don’t worry about it. The less stressed you are, the younger your skin looks..that’s just my personal experience 🙂
Just turned 35 and starting to see a few lines coming through (mostly in my forehead) and would like to start to use an anti-wrinkle cream. I guess all my early years of sun-worshipping and not moisturizing is coming to smack me in the ass 🙁
I have a fair complexion with plenty of freckles.
Any advice at all would be great as there is so much out there not sure which way to go
I would say about a month or so.
It’s so interesting to read the recipe. I will try for sure. What is the shelf life of this serum?
Adding aloe would be awesome, can’t hurt, right? I would add 1 tbsp.
If I add aloe vera gel to the serum, would this be ok? Or is it not necessary to add it because the other Oils would do the exact same thing as the aloe vera gel?
If I can add aloe vera gel, how much would you recommend?
The castor oil should make this much less runny. When I do it the consistency is fine. But, this is not critical. You can play with and reduce the amount of almond oil, it won’t hurt the balance, since the almond oil is mostly functioning as a carrier oil, not the main active ingredient.
I made this, sort of; I’m waiting for the rosehip seed oil & carrot seed oil to arrive from Amazon. I went ahead and used it without those ingredients. The consistency is thin, kind of runny. I’m wondering if there’s too much almond oil. There is so much more of it than the other oils. 1 oz is approx 6 times more than 1 tsp, a big difference. Is it really supposed to be a whole ounce of almond oil? If the oil ratios were more balanced, it would thicken up and be easier to use, but would the ingredient balance then be counter-productive?
Twice a day Erika:)
How many times a day do you apply the serum?
Thank you!
I would say about 6 capsules.
I have vitamin E capsule 400 IU. With how much capsules I can substitute 3tsp vit e oil??
Yes, you can use Argan oil, no problem.
Could I use Argan Oil in place of the Sweet Almond or is that an important component?
Thank you so much for sharing your recipe for your Anti-aging Eye Serum. Like you mentioned in your post, the skin under & around our eye area is extremely delicate. We need to be extremely careful how we apply our serums, creams & lotions in that area. The way I was taught by my aunt when I was about 18 yrs old was to use our ring finger and gently dab (not rub) our beauty product around the eye area. Using our ring finger because it has the least amount of strength… the weakest of all the fingers, which will prevent us from being able to apply too much pressure around such a delicate area. One of the great things about having the internet…. you can just Google it!
Thanks again!
Dottie H.
Yes, it’s safe. It may promote longer and stronger eye lashes.
Good luck!
Just a warning about the rosehip oil: I never break out on my cheeks and using rosehip oil once gave me a huge cystic pimple right under my eye. It’s highly comedogenic.
The Castor Oil is the major moisturizer in this recipe, I wouldn’t make it without it. It’s a great wrinkle-preventor…I apply it to my face every night in fact, and it’s wonderful.
I hope this helps:)
Just wondering if this works as well without the castor oil and if you could tell me what function the castor oil has in this eye serum recipe?
Tsp. stands for teaspoon… 🙂
Hi. Can you please tell me if the castor oil and vitiman e oil are tablespoons or teaspoons? Thanks
I just order all of these from Amazon (prices are good and free shipping) – The links are in the post, but you can probably find them at Trader Joe’s as well.
Let me know how it works for you, o.k?:)
Hi Meital, thank you for sharing this great recipe! I was looking into a eye cream to buy and then thought that maybe it would be best to make one out of natural products and luckily ran into your link.
Where would I find all the oils? Would you know if trader joes would be a good place to start looking?
To my knowledge, the best home remedy for dark under-eye circles is cold pressed Castor Oil.
I hope this helps and let me know how it has worked out for you…:)
How to make serum to vanish dark circles. Thank u
Yes, you can.:)
Hello, can you please tell me If i can use olive oil whith the almond? I meen half tsp almond and half olive?
Hi James,
Yes, this works for men too!
Hi, Will these recipes work for men too, or need different ingredients? Thx
Hey Marle:)
I know…isn’t it fabulous? I’m so glad it works for you too!:)
I made this serum today and applied it to my eyes. Within 15 minutes the wrinkles had disappeared! I’m not exaggerating. THIS IS WONDERFUL STUFF! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I recommend this to everyone. One little change I made, I didn’t have the Evening Primrose oil but did have Pomegranate Oil. So I substituted that.
Much appreciation,
Hi Laura:)
Yup, I agree…neck line is very important as well and I admit, it’s another place I look at too…:)
Thanks for sharing the recipe and book! I like how you called it a strange hobby…on checking out the lines around the eyes..I look at the neck (and decollete/neckline if showing) those areas really show a woman’s age. Some women have taken amazing care of their face & eyes but the neckline shows way more age…so don’t forget to keep that area moisturized too 🙂
Hi Elly:)
You are quite right, usually the clear kind of Castor oil is “purified” so people would be able to digest it (ususally works great for constipation…), but the link that I’m sending to is actually for the Black Jamaican Castor Oil, which is natural.
Thanks for visiting:)
Thanks for sharing. Think I will leave out the castor oil (not a natural oil) and stick to the natural ones.