Magnesium for Restless Legs – Does it Work?

It can almost sound cute when they call it “Dancing Leg syndrome”.

But there’s nothing cute about Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) for the millions of people suffering from it in the USA alone.

In fact, chronic RLS can literally drive a person crazy (hence another way RLS is also called Crazy Leg Syndrome).

The tingling, the shaking, the prickling, and numbness in the legs come back every evening or night, just when all you want to do is to rest or sleep.

Ironically, it can only be eased by moving or walking around.

The result?

Sleep problems, constant fatigue, anxiety, and in extreme cases – depression.

stop restless leg syndrome

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Your doctor and any reputable health website will tell you that though RLS is one of the most common nerve syndromes, the causes for it are still unknown, and worse – there is no cure for it.

What if I told you that both claims could not be true?

There is a science-based probable cause for RLS.

There is a simple, effective, and fast way to stop Restless Legs Syndrome.

Stick with me, and you’ll discover both, and how to quickly stop Restless Leg Syndrome with a simple home remedy that anyone can afford. Sounds good?

How to Know if You Have Restless Leg Syndrome?

RLS was first described in 1945 by a Swedish nerve specialist Karl Axel Ekbom and is thought to be linked to Dopamine (the brain’s “reward” chemical) imbalance in the brain.

How Does it Feel?

“Twitching Leg” syndrome is a chronic, disruptive disorder that makes you feel the urge to move your legs to stop an unpleasant sensation such as twitching, prickling, shaking, aching, tickling, or “creepy crawly” sensation in the muscles while lying down trying to sleep.

Many times the symptoms are mild but in severe cases, RLS can become intolerable.

Did you know?

According to Florida Hospital, 5 million U.S. adults (about 2-3 percent) have moderate to severe RLS. 1 million children of school age have RLS. The onset of restless leg syndrome does not indicate the presence of other neurological diseases.

Women are more affected than men with many of them developing RLS in the last few weeks of pregnancy, and the symptoms usually worsen as people get older.

(In children, by the way, the condition can be easily mistakenly diagnosed as “growing pains”)

What Causes Restless Leg Syndrome?

Like I said at the beginning, your doctor and WebMD will tell you that doctors do not know the cause of RLS, though they suspect it is genetic (what isn’t these days, it seems to be the explanation for everything).

But, RLS can be quite easily explained and treated – naturally.

According to Dr. Mark Sircus (author of Transdermal Magnesium Therapy) and Dr. Carolyn Dean (author of “The Magnesium Miracle“), Restless Leg Syndrome is a symptom of severe magnesium deficiency.

A quick look at the science of Magnesium deficiency and its effect of it on muscles, nerves, and blood vessels can easily prove this medical view.

Magnesium deficiency often results in symptoms of anxiety, muscle spasms, muscle twitching, sleep disorders, nausea, fatigue, and depression.

Did anyone ever tell you that when your eye muscles twitch uncontrollably for a few seconds – it means that you lack Magnesium?

My grandmother told this to me many times. And like the best of grandmothers, she was right.

Even a mild deficiency of magnesium deficiency can cause increased sensitivity to noise, nervousness, irritability, mental depression, confusion, twitching, trembling, apprehension, and insomnia.

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a major role in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Magnesium allows the muscles to relax providing a calming effect that allows for deeper relaxation and better sleep. So many people suffer from RLS because they are seriously depleted in Magnesium.

Are You Magnesium Deficient?

The above shouldn’t be a surprise for us.

According to Government data:

68% (!!) of Americans do not consume the recommended intake of Magnesium and 19% – even half of the recommended amount.

Plus, gastrointestinal disease, diabetes, stress, anxiety, and pancreatitis can also upset the body’s natural balance.

If this is not enough, the nutritional content in foods continues to drop and all white foods (rice, flour, sugar, salt, pasta) are completely Magnesium stripped.

According to Dr. Carolyn Dean:

A hundred years ago we enjoyed a diet high in magnesium with a daily intake of 500 mg. Today we are lucky to get 200 mg.”

RLS in Pregnancy

According to Dr. Mildred S. Seelig, “the evidence is clear that inadequate magnesium intake is common during pregnancy and that the plasma levels of magnesium tend to fall, especially during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy.”

Can you see the link between the “sudden” development of RLS in pregnant women and Magnesium deficiency?

(That’s why you can promote a safer pregnancy and easier birth with Magnesium baths)

How to Use Magnesium to Relieve Restless Leg Syndrome

Doctors cannot specifically diagnose Restless Leg Syndrome because they are not trained to look at or diagnose anything on the fundamental level of cause.

And they will tell you that there is no cure, but nonetheless, immediately prescribe you one of the (usually) useless “RLS medications”:

  • Dopamine agonists (Pramipexol/Ropinirole, etc.)
  • Dopaminergic agents
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Opiates
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Alpha2 agonists

In my opinion, none of these medications should be given because they are toxic, have many side effects, and will further drive down your Magnesium levels.

Dr. Carolyn Dean says:

The best way to treat RLS is with any form of magnesium because magnesium relaxes muscles and nerves.

Furthermore, calcium causes contraction in skeletal muscle fibers, and magnesium causes relaxation.

When there is too much calcium and insufficient magnesium inside a cell, you can get sustained muscle contraction: twitches, spasms, and even convulsions.”

Also, RLS syndrome is obviously an inflammation of some sort, and Magnesium puts a chill on any type of inflammation throughout your body.

This is why Magnesium is not only the perfect remedy for RLS but for any inflammation of nerves, muscles, and blood vessels.

1. Magnesium Oil (Transdermal Magnesium)

The best way to absorb Magnesium is through your skin. Transdermal Magnesium therapy is better absorbed than oral Magnesium supplements and quickly gets into your bloodstream to stop the twitching.

Applying Magnesium oil spray directly to your legs at night and during the day can work incredibly well to cool the restlessness – with no side effects or risks.

magneium spray for restless legs
Life Flo pure Magnesium Oil – view at iHerb

Magnesium deficiency can also lead to sleep disorders so doing this will not only ease or stop the twitching but will relax you and reset your nervous system so you can finally get a good night’s sleep and dramatic relief from anxiety symptoms.

Magnesium oil is simply a mixture of Magnesium flakes and water but it feels oily and that’s why it’s referred to as oil.

You simply rub the oil on both your legs twice a day – once during the day and once at night – before you go to sleep.

Leave it on for at least 20 minutes and then wash it off.

It may feel itchy and a bit unpleasant, but it works like a charm.

Here’s a testimonial from one of our readers:

I have had restless legs every night for the past 45 years. The severity has gradually increased over the years and has led to several visits to the doctor.

I have been on 4 different medications, none of which helped. On a whim, I bought a bottle of magnesium spray oil from the chemist and have been using this twice a day on knees and calves. I have also started taking a magnesium supplement.

My RLS symptoms have disappeared. I still feel twinges in the evenings but they do not last more than a few minutes. I apply the oil as needed. It stings a bit and dries the skin but the disappearance of this wretched condition more than makes up for any temporary discomfort.”(source)

Read more about the uses and benefits of Magnesium Oil

2. Magnesium Supplement

natural calm magnesium powder
Natural Calm Magnesium drink mix – view at iHerb

If you suffer from severe RLS, I would recommend adding a high-quality Magnesium supplement, in a form of powder.

The Natural Vitality Natural Calm Magnesium supplement contains ionic Magnesium citrate, and organic fruit flavors, and uses organic stevia as a sweetener.

It has no artificial ingredients, no sugar, and is vegan and gluten-free.

You simply add the powder (you start with 1 gr. and gradually increase to 4 gr a day) to water as instructed and drink.

It tastes great and is fast-acting. You may notice the calming effect after only 10-15 minutes.

Do Bananas Help With Restless Leg Syndrome?

bananas for restless legs syndrome

Bananas have a lot of Magnesium and potassium in them – both play a role in RLS. Bananas are considered a superfood, and if you are an otherwise healthy person, you can eat up to 10 bananas a day!

Bananas are safe for pregnant women suffering from nighttime leg cramps as well and will help prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and electrolyte imbalances are known to bring on RLS.

Use Infrared Heat to Quickly Relieve RLS 

I think you should be aware of another effective (and proven) natural home treatment for RLS:

Infrared heat.

If you want to supercharge your RLS home treatment, try an infrared heating pad.

This study has found that you only need 3 weekly 30-minute treatments with infrared therapy to significantly reduce RLS Symptoms.


Even if you stop using it after 4 weeks, the results will last for 4 weeks post-treatment!

infrared heating pad for leg cramps amd restless legs
The UTK small infrared heating pad (with Jade % Tourmaline) – view on Amazon

All you need is a small infrared heating pad you can wrap around your leg and use for 30 minutes 3 times a week.


Though doctors may not tell you this, there is a science-based explanation for your shaking and twitching legs and a natural, simple and fast natural treatment for it.

You can find quick relief for RLS and even cure it with the use of Transdermal Magnesium Therapy through Magnesium oil, or treat Magnesium vitamin deficiency through a natural supplement.

Of all the “medications” for Restless Leg Syndrome, you may be surprised to find that Magnesium is the most effective and fast of them all.

Wishing you health and happiness,



Hornyak M, Voderholzer U, Hohagen F, Berger M, Riemann D. Magnesium therapy for periodic leg movements-related insomnia and restless legs syndrome: an open pilot study. Sleep. 1998 Aug 1;21(5):501-5.

Ulrike H Mitchell, J William Myrer, A Wayne Johnson & Sterling C Hilton (2011) Restless legs syndrome and near-infrared light: An alternative treatment option, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 27:5, 345-351

18 thoughts on “Magnesium for Restless Legs – Does it Work?”

  1. I have suffered for many years with RLS. Symptoms include a feeling that my calve muscles feel like there is something in them making it necessary to move my legs. It most generally happens at night when I lie down to watch a show before falling asleep. It starts out faintly then intensifies so that I am constantly moving my legs. I only get relief by moving my legs or standing/walking. I am currently on my 3rd night in a row without any sleep until dawn and then for usually 3 to 4 hours before waking for the day. I take Ropinirole and also over-the-counter Equate allergy tablets every day. I wish there was something I could take or rub on my legs to give me immediate relief.

  2. I think it’s definitely worth a try, and if you can also take a Magnesium supplement – that would be even better. But ask your doctor if it doesn’t counter interact with any of your medication first. Good luck!

  3. I have been on Requip or Ropinirole 12mg 3 times a day. My Legs are getting worst. I went to a Neurologist and they wanted to put me on Methadone, I hope the spelling is correct. I have had Triple ByPass and the Doctor said no way. Do you think that if I use the Oil that I will get good Better? I am going crazy even during the day, they jump and the feeling is something that I cannot explain. I have not slept in 10 days and I need some sleep. Can you help me??

  4. I have RLS it is so bad I can’t sleep at night. I have tried everything but nothing helps. Sleeping tablets aggravate the RLS. Any advise would be greatly appreciated

  5. The root cause was for me: grains and dairy. I found out after doing an elimination diet for 30 days: the Whole 30. I now sleep well.

  6. Hi, I am new to all of this and not too sure of how it works, so, for now, will just comment briefly.. If I get thru alright I will then follow up with my 40 years of suffering and still .cacan’t find and always looking for a cure for RLS.
    Please reply
    Many thanks
    Bev Leopold
    Perth W

  7. I am a retired labor and delivery nurse, and your use of magnesium to calm the nerves and muscles is so very appropriate! Whenever we had a mom come in with pre-eclampsia or eclampsia ( a group of symptoms i.e. high blood pressure, twitching, dizziness, headache. swelling, etc.) we would administer IV Magnesium Sulfate! Usually worked like a charm! All systems would relax. blood pressure would decrease, and mom got a good night’s sleep! Thanks for the advice. I didn’t think to use it for my granddaughter who suffers from restless leg syndrome. I will try it right away.

  8. Thank u so much for ur valuable details about magnesium. It,s really doing wonder.

  9. Hi,
    Mg never worked for me, I found low temp. in the bedroom and potassium pills will kill RLS so I can fall asleep,
    Merry xmas to all sufferes

  10. I have RLS but only when I am sitting relaxed position. I have never heard anyone state that they are affected by it while sitting. It does not keep me awake at night because if I stand or lay down it eases. I am going to try the oral magnesium supplement and see if it helps any. I am getting ready to fly again and it makes for a miserable trip when all you want to do is get up but you are stuck in an airplane seat.

  11. Meital,

    Thanks for this great post on RLS. I have known a lot of folks that suffer with this myself included. I also would get terrible leg cramps after I had fallen asleep too.

    I really appreciate your Mg recommendation but I personally became so distraught I opted for an herbal solution that never fails, because my Dr. has told me that all my electrolyte levels were fine.

    After a bit of research I discovered that by consuming a strain of Medical Cannabis called Bbk or Blackberry Kush it not only relaxed my RLS it completely eliminated my leg cramps as well and in under 30 seconds.

    I just wanted to share something else I found very helpful, I hope your readers do as well, my best,


  12. Restless leg syndrome is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to magnesium deficiency… and it is a very common lack in our diets. I affects so much of our body, thinking and more… Magnesium really does help restless legs… and after taking it for a while, people may be surprised to notice other improvements in their health. 🙂

  13. Magnesium changed my life. I helps me sleep much better and it relaxes. I used it with my dad who is exerpiencing RLS symptoms. Thanks for sharing these three enlightening remedies for RLS with us at the Healthy, Happy, Green and Natural Party Blog Hop! I’m pinning and sharing!

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