6 Incredible Uses for Oregano Oil (Internal & Topical)

Oregano oil is already giving antibiotics and painkillers some serious competition. Among other things, it was found to be better than all the 18 currently used antibiotics for MRSA staph infections. This super herb is rich in phenol antioxidants that destroy pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and yeasts. This means there are many health benefits and uses … Read more

The 15 Best Natural Antibiotics (Foods & Herbs)

best natural antibiotics proven remedies viruses and bacteria

Do you remember your last experience with antibiotics? Yikes. It’s what drove me to research the best natural antibiotics – from mother nature. The constant fatigue, the digestion problems and just knowing how it destroys your gut bacteria and immunity – have all developed an antibiotic-phobia in me. Granted, pharmaceutical antibiotics will destroy most kinds … Read more

The 3 Most Powerful Natural Antibiotics for a UTI

Do natural antibiotics for a UTI work? According to science, some of them actually do. In my experience, the ones you’ll find below – definitely do. This post contains affiliate links, at no extra cost to you. It usually starts with a sudden and frequent need to visit the potty. When you get there, you … Read more