The Proven Way to Use Aloe Vera for Wrinkles (and Sagging)

Does Aloe Vera make your facial skin look younger?

Well, here’s what research says:

1/4 teaspoon of pure Aloe Vera gel daily can significantly reverse signs of skin aging.

Aloe Vera works from the inside out to reverse aging skin, reduce dullness, and improve the plumping of your skin, which is what the best (and most expensive) creams on the market fail to do.

So, how do I use these findings?
aloe vera for wrinkles

In this post, you’ll find all the answers.

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The Surprising Aloe Vera for Wrinkles Study

Aloe Vera gel is not just an effective remedy for sunburn. Oh no. It’s so much more than that.

In a study published in the Annals of Dermatology in 2009, researchers found that just 1200 mg/d (1/4 teaspoon!) of pure Aloe Vera gel can significantly reverse signs of aging skin – in 90 days.

is aloe vera good for wrinkles

30 healthy women over the age of 45 received 2 different oral doses (low dose – 1200 mg/d, high dose – 3600 mg/d) of pure Aloe Vera gel supplementation for 90 days.

The results were remarkable:

After just 90 days, facial wrinkles improved significantly in both groups, and facial elasticity improved in the lower-dose group.

The conclusion was:

Aloe gel significantly improves wrinkles, elasticity, and the appearance of fine lines in photoaged human skin.

Drinking aloe gel boosted the production of collagen, the basic structural component of the skin – for all skin types.

Aloe is one of the best ways to boost collagen in your skin!


The more collagen your skin produces – the fewer wrinkles and sagging skin you’ll have.

And the best news?

Aloe also worked way down at the DNA level.

It decreases gene activity that causes collagen to become damaged in the first place.

Aloe Vera can also detox your digestive system.

The gel moves through your intestinal tract and picks up toxins along the way. It drags them out through your colon.

Detoxing your system is another great way to make your skin cells shine from within.

Can Aloe Vera Make Your Skin Look Younger?

Aloe Vera is one of the best anti-aging plants on earth.

Topically, it repairs skin damage (burns, scars, wounds, acne), moisturizes your skin, and promotes skin firmness. Internally –  it helps rebuild collagen (more of it and faster). At the DNA level –  it fights to prevent collagen breakdown in the first place.

See why I use Aloe Vera on my face overnight

Simply put, Aloe Vera works from the inside out to reverse wrinkles and prevent new ones from appearing – in a matter of 90 days.

Want more?

It is not only a safe, non-toxic, and natural anti-aging treatment – it’s also one of the cheapest wrinkle-reducer methods ever.

How to Use Aloe Vera to Reduce Wrinkles

aloe vera plant

 If you can get your hands on the actual Aloe Vera plant – that’s the best option.

All you have to do is extract Aloe’s miracle gel from inside the leaf and you have the cheapest and most powerful wrinkle-fighter – without having to rub unknown, lab-created chemicals on your face.

That gel is precious. It’s 96% water but also has over 200 healing phytonutrients.

A fresh Aloe Vera Leaf should stay fresh when stored in the fridge for about 2-3 weeks.

Here’s how to easily fillet Aloe and remove the gel:

how to extract aloe vera gel

If you can’t find the fresh Aloe leaf, look for 100% organic Aloe Vera Juice and add 1-2 teaspoons to your smoothie.

pure organic alow vera juice
View on Amazon

Do not use any normal store-bought Aloe Vera gel because they’re filled with chemicals and non-edible nasties.

Here’s how to use it in your skincare routine:

1. Take a small amount of freshly harvested or high-quality organic Aloe gel and massage it into your skin in a circular motion for 2-3 minutes.

I recommend you do this before sleep to help release toxins, tone, and firm facial skin texture and infuse it with nourishing and healing properties.

Don’t forget to apply it as an eye cream – it’s known to be the greatest homemade eye cream ever.

2. You can mix 1 teaspoon of aloe gel and one Vitamin E capsule and apply it to areas where wrinkles are forming.

3. Add 1/4 teaspoon of aloe gel to your daily smoothie, preferably in the morning, to promote collagen production and prevent collagen breakdown.

See below 5 great Aloe Vera anti-wrinkle treatments you can easily do at home!

‍♀️ Have been using my plant for 5 days and can already see the change in my 62-year-old laugh lines.Reader comment

Aloe Vera Gel for Under-Eye Wrinkles

Pure aloe vera gel is one of the best ways to prevent and reduce under-eye fine lines and wrinkles, puffiness, and dark circles.

It easily absorbs into the skin and is very soothing, and safe for sensitive skin.

Aloe contains 18 amino acids, B1, B3, B6, and C vitamins that help fight off free radicals that cause wrinkles.

How to use it for under and around the eyes wrinkles and dark circles:

  • Choose either gel from the plant itself or store-bought natural aloe vera gel. You can use the gel alone or mix it with an equal part of sweet almond oil.
  • Apply the aloe gel to your delicate under-eye. Use the middle of your pinky finger and gently tap into your skin until it’s fully absorbed. Do not rub the gel since rubbing can promote more wrinkles.
  • I recommend doing this before you go to bed

Best Aloe Vera Gel for Face & Under-Eye Wrinkles

What to do when you can’t get your hands on Aloe miracle worker leaves?

You use the next best thing:

A pure, Paraben-free, no petrochemicals, no dyes, no alcohol Aloe Vera gel.

100% pure aloe vera for wrinkles
My Aloe gel – 100% pure and handmade (view on Amazon)

It contains 99.75% Concentrated Organic Aloe Vera (grown in Texas and certified by the Texas Department of Agriculture) Gel, cold-pressed to preserve.

You can use it daily for moisturizing your face and under your eyes, and even loan it to your husband to use as a great after-shave lotion.

6 Fantastic Homemade Aloe Vera Skin Care Products

Here are the recipes I use all the time:

1. Homemade Aloe Vera Scrub

how to use aloe vera for wrinkles

Regular exfoliation can help the skin with cell turnover and increase collagen production.

If you add Aloe to the mixture you’ll double the effect.


• 1 tablespoon of Aloe Gel
• 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
• A ¼ cup of brown sugar


Mix the ingredients and massage them gently on your face in a circular motion. Do this for about 3-5 minutes then rinse off with lukewarm water. Pat dry after.

The brown sugar will exfoliate the dead skin and allow the oil and Aloe’s healing nutrients to penetrate your skin.

You can do this up to 3 times a week.

Enjoy your renewed radiance and youthful glowing complexion.

2. Homemade Aloe Vera Face Mask

diy aloe vera face mask

Before applying any facial mask clean your face and neck with fresh water. Take off all cosmetics, day creams, lotions, in short: everything.

When finished, pat your skin dry.

If you can take a hot, pore-opening steaming shower before applying – even better.


Make a paste from all ingredients except for the aloe gel. Add the aloe gel to the paste and mix it well.

Apply the paste to your face and neck evenly and leave for 20 minutes.

Wash it off with lukewarm water and pat dry with a clean towel. Repeat once a week.

3 More Simple Aloe Vera Masks

Alternatively, you can try 2 more (more simple) homemade aloe face masks to quickly improve your skin:

1. Mix 1 teaspoon of powdered sea greens with 1 tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel. Apply a thin layer to the face and leave on for ten minutes before rinsing. Do this once a week.

* Seaweed powder helps detoxify the body removing impurities and nourishing the skin by restoring it with essential nutrients.

It also stimulates blood circulation leaving your skin with a healthy glow – and better health.

2. Mix 1 tbsp of Aloe Vera gel with 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon olive oil. Apply on your face and leave for 20 minutes.

This face mask is so good it will look like you’ve been injected with Botox. Seriously.

3. Blend 1/2 cup of fresh grapes with 1 tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel and 1 tablespoon of raw honey.

Apply over your face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse and pat dry.

Repeat once a week or alternate with the other recipes.

When you have applied the Aloe Vera face mask of choice make sure you take your time to lie down and relax.

Put 2 cucumber slices on your eyes or use 2 used and cooled down Chamomile teabags (my favorite!) or 2 cotton pads soaked in rose or lavender water.

3. Homemade Aloe Vera Facial Spray

diy aloe vera facial spray homemade

Ditch the toxic industrial face spray and enjoy the hydrating and soothing benefits of Aloe Vera and rosewater – anytime, anywhere.


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 tbsp of Aloe Vera Gel
  • 2 tbsp rosewater
  • 1 bottle of mineral water

(You will also need a spray bottle.)


Peel the cucumber and put it in a blender to make a paste, and then strain all the juice from it into a bowl.

Add 1 tbsp of aloe gel and 2 teaspoons of rosewater and mix well. Next, transfer this “juice” into a spray bottle and add the mineral water.

Your great-smelling mist is now ready to use. Spray a few times a day and enjoy your non-toxic Aloe Vera facial spray!

This face mist will last in your fridge for about a week, but you might love it so much that you will finish the bottle a lot quicker.

Aloe Vera Side Effects

Before you run out and get a giant tub of Aloe Vera gel or the largest Aloe plant you can find – there are a few things you have to know:

1. There are over 250 species of Aloe in the world. The most common one is Aloe Barbadensis.

This is the plant you should look for, either to plant and grow on your own or buy a 100% pure organic gel/juice.

2. Pay attention to dosage: High amounts of Aloe can cause diarrhea and allergic reactions. The study has found that you only need 1/4 of a teaspoon daily to get the amazing anti-aging benefits.

Don’t be tempted to increase the dosage to avoid toxicity.

3. Some people are sensitive or allergic to either topical or external use of Aloe Vera gel.

At your first use, try to rub a tiny amount of the gel on your skin and check for unwanted reactions.

To your health and happiness,



I also use pure aloe gel in my DIY organic mascara recipe.


Cho S, Lee S, Lee MJ, et al. Dietary Aloe Vera Supplementation Improves Facial Wrinkles and Elasticity and It Increases the Type I Procollagen Gene Expression in Human Skin in vivo. Ann Dermatol. 2009;21(1):6–11.

Hekmatpou D, Mehrabi F, Rahzani K, Aminiyan A. The Effect of Aloe Vera Clinical Trials on Prevention and Healing of Skin Wound: A Systematic Review. Iran J Med Sci.

74 thoughts on “The Proven Way to Use Aloe Vera for Wrinkles (and Sagging)”

  1. I have some deep “expression” wrinkles in my forehead. Apparently, I have a very expressive face. I have an aloe vera plant that I have had for several years. I am going to try the 1/4 tsp ingestion as well as rubbing the juice on my face. I am excited and hope for great results. Thank you for your article.

  2. Hi again! To the women with sagging jowls I can say please try rubbing half of aloe vera leaf part over skin and neck. I am still convinced I will not go for a mini lift because the skin on my jowls has tightened.
    One more thing to add…I never smoked and hardly drink alcohol nor sodas.
    I also use fresh lime. Cut in half sweep over the skin(anywhere)and wait a while then rinse off. Not more than once or twice a week because you can become photosensitive as it is pure acid!
    After washing off apply aloe and yes the results are amazing.
    I live in tropical very sunny and hot climate now and it saved my skin.
    I also use a Japanese hyaluronic serum and Kiehl’s ultra or Siseido skincare.
    But I will never quit aloe.

  3. I cut one side of skin off and use the fresh leaf part to sweep oner face, neck and other places where my skin starts to age and after 2 weeks I can hardly believe it. I used botox before(I am 50+) 15 years and I actually started thinking of having a minilift. The idea of minilift made me stop botox 8 months ago so the result of aloe is real. I decided not to have a minilift. Even the most expensive creams and facial treatments cannot do what happened in 2 weeks!
    I must add I eat well exercise and use diverse medium chemical peels since 1997. I started using aloe vera now after my TCA 45% peel. The results are always very good but now stunning!
    I use lime as well. 2 or 3 times a week(be careful of photosensitivity!). Half a slice rub over face neck and cleavage. Let is stay a while and wash off. Then aloe and when aloe dried the usual skincare except for eye cream as that actually causes wrinkles by building up around eyes.
    The simple routine I gave now + isolated pure collagen powder min.10gr per day(scientifically proved! ) make me save lots of money and probably give more lasting results. I can recommend everyone to try this. I will always use the leaf because I want to apply it without touching the liquid to keep it as pure as possible.
    The results amaze me every day!

  4. Hello

    thanks for your article.
    I also read the studies about aloe vera and skin (careful, you should read the one on rats and mice, it may be dangerous if you use the whole leaf).

    But for me (I’m french though ;-), 1200mg is more than a kg, not a 1/4 of a teaspoon! what do you think, did I read it badly?

  5. Will the Aloe Vera Juice Concentrate work as well as the gel and can you leave it on all day? In other words – can I use it as my moisturizer both day and night?Will it be as powerful as the gel?
    Thank you

  6. Hello, I have a question, I read the previous comments but it is not clear to me if I can use aloe vera gel made at home, as a night cream on my face, hands and eyes, everyday or just for a while?

  7. I am 35 years and my hands have aged a lot in past few years with fine lines and wrinkles. Do you think aloe vera will also help with it and if yes,do you have a particular way of doing it?

  8. I have a few aloe vera plants and love using the gel which is so fresh and natural. It also works great if you cut yourself or have some inflammation. Just apply some pure aloe gel and it will heal wonderfully.

  9. Yes, you definitely can. I would also recommend considering getting your own LED Face mask (blue & red light therapy) to prevent acne and reduce wrinkles and fine lines so you can save a ton of money on dermatologist visits.

  10. This is a great post. Last year my baby girl got accidentally burnt with an iron. she was running around and her cute little cheek grazed the iron. I was so upset and I thought her face was spoiled as she had two tiger stripe burns (one medium and one small) on her face. I rushed to get my aloe leaf from the refrigerator as I read aloe is good for burns and I religiously applied to her soft skin every day and I am so happy to say that the small burn has totally disappeared and the medium size burn has just a faint mark on her face that you can hardly see it. all due to the aloe plant, her skin healed miraculously.

    Now I am ready to use it for my skin. I am 35 years old with acne-prone skin and discoloration with some wrinkles and fine lines. I am always at the dermatologist’s office. I am so tired of using chemicals on my face (just to let you know my skin on my body is smooth and clean and my face just looks sore). i want an all-natural remedy. Can I use Aloe Vera for all these cases – wrinkles, discoloration, and acne?

  11. Listen to your mom. I agree with her. Stop worrying about it, try to forget about it, and it will go away. All you have to do it is relieve stress.

  12. Under eyes fine lines, I did try some eye creams but it gave me a dark line which is making me more stressed out and trying to hide it with makeup, afraid my friends might see it and laugh at me… My mom says just drink water and get enough sleep but for some reason I dont feel like its that simple to get rid if them like that… Any ideas?

  13. Before you go and try aloe vera (which will definitely won’t hurt) – I suggest you try sleeping 8 hours each night, and reducing stress. I have a feeling that you fine lines (do you mean laugh lines by the way? everyone has them) will disappear.

  14. I’m a teeanger that got attacked with fine lines three months ago can Aloe Vera get rid of them? Yes or no?

  15. have been using my plant for 5 days and can see change in my 62 year old laugh lines. starting on the sun spots with lemon today. have never used any products other than soap and lotion.

  16. Hello Meital,

    I truly am looking for non-cosmetic skincare for wrinkles and doing my research on google and youtube. Since I have a single aloe vera plant I concentrated on reading every article and even watch videos, now am blessed I am finally with your group. My concern is, I am using a peeling cosmetic, and I am using fresh aloe vera gel as a moisturizer, facial scrub leaving it an hour before washing., after the wash I apply for my peeling medicine, have just started 2 days ago. should I continue yet with my peeling medicine? I want my dark skin removed(melasma). thanks and appreciate your answer to this.

  17. Hello Meital,
    I have been living in Mexico for 30 years and I too have an abundance of Aloe Vera (Sábila in Mexico) I have been using the gel for many years as an anti-aging skin treatment, however, I learned from a herbal naturist (a specialist in skin burns of all types) that it was best to “grill” the leaves before using the gel in order to stimulate the enzymes and give better healing results. I also make a hair preserving shampoo by removing the spikes from the leaves and blending the whole leaf with a little water, strain this mixture removing all the lumps and mix into a baby shampoo because it should have fewer added chemicals.
    Hope this information is helpful.

  18. How can i preserve the fresh gel for long time? does vit E oil will be useful. Or can i add citric acid and in what quantity?

  19. Yes, you can use it aloe gel on your face and orally. But, you have to know how to extract the gel the right way and not to take too much, as instructed in the post. Good luck!

  20. Ok, all hope is not lost for me, I developed wrinkles at the two side of my mouth down to my jaw and I wonder if its wrinkles because am 23. But since it repairs all kinds of skin problems especially wrinkle, will try it out for 3 months plus I will add it to my beetroot juice which I heard its great for skin too. Hop am on the right track, so help me God. Thanks for the tips you are really a darling!!!

  21. I have aloe vera juice in the fridge right now, is it okay if I put vitamin E oil, lemon juice, tsp of honey and tea tree oil? Or is that too much ingredients??

  22. Hi – I use aloe a couple of ways. In face masks with Manuka honey and maybe some frankincense or a blend of anti-aging oils. But more often these days I may mix up honey and aloe for a mask – and put oils on afterward as I don’t like to waste the oils in a mask. I have a blend with frankincense, lavender, everlasting, sandalwood that I use quite frequently afterward.
    Frankincense is my most frequently used oil. It has repaired my skin amazingly. I also use Rosemary and clary sage, neroli, seaberry buckthorn, etc.

    Sometimes I also use the bee product propolis. I’m not sure if it actually works – and my face is yellow as a result, but I’m giving it a go

    I like having an aloe leaf cut in the bench in the kitchen. I just keep breaking bits off and applying when I’m pottering around.

    I constantly make fruit and veg masks with the aloe too. Just what I have got that is organic and needing to be used up.

    It’s hit and miss and I am no expert. But I’m slowly getting results.

  23. Tammie, Wensley

    Can I ask what essential oils you use mixed with the aloe and Manuka please

  24. I started using pure aloe as a result of the severe onset of peri oral dermatitis.

    It was one of the only things my dermatologist said I could use – and that I should use.

    I use the gel straight from the plant. You need to bleed the leaf correctly then harvest the gel. Often I just leave a leaf standing up and tear bits off the bottom as I use it. It stays fresh.

    I started just using this. And it’s amazing, that’s for sure. But now I combine with other fruits, Manuka honey, etc for face masks. Then if I’m looking at using it as a moisturizer I blend it with some pure essential oils. Amazing results. I have created my own concoctions based on reading anything and everything I can.

    Not only have I cured my dermatitis, but my skin health including wrinkles and texture, and tone, has improved out of this world.

    Plants are easy to grow and look after. And nothing beats the real thing in my experience.

  25. Reed,

    I don’t really know…the study I’m quoting in this post used fresh gel, so you cab refer to the quantities I’ve mentioned here and follow them.
    I hope this helps and good luck!

  26. Hi! I have read of this aloe Vera wrinkle study on several web sites. According to what I have read,they used an aloe vera gel powder. My question then would be if a 1/4 teaspoon dose of fresh aloe vera gel would equal that which was used in their study? Thank you. Reed

  27. I would like to buy an Aloe Vera gel that I could use as a moisturizer on my face before bed. Did you have any specific brands listed for this? Or did you only have recommendations for products that can be consumed rather than applied directly to the skin?

  28. I was just considering ordering this wrinkle cream from a coworker for $60. and I have aloe vera plants. I just recently started taking it internally. I saw on the internet how this one guy just took a leaf and ate it then rubbed it on his skin. He said he hadn’t been to a dentist in 5 years and the dentist said he had such healthy gums. I haven’t been putting it on my skin, but now after reading about it on this website I’m going to. Thanks for the info!

  29. Thank you! I see a link to an organic juice that is dietary, but no gel. Is that correct? Thanks for the reply!

  30. Katie,

    The difference between inner fillet aloe vera gel and juice is that the juice is less concentrated. water is added to it so you’ll be able to drink it and digest it.
    Yes, you can purchase a ready made gel, of course, I have links to the best ones inside the post.
    Good luck!

  31. I want to start incorporating this into my daily regimen but my question is do I need to use the gel from an actual plant or can I purchase a ready-made organic, preservative-free inner-fillet aloe Vera juice? And what is the difference between inner fillet aloe vera juice and gel?

  32. I recently purchased a aloe vera plant, I am still researching how to cut and use the plant. My question to you is how log does it take a leaf to grow back on the plant after I cut one off

  33. I went into a African shop the lady behind the counter do you want something for wrinkles at first I thought mm that’s a bit cheeky as I thought I did not have many but I am so glad she told me about the Aloe Vera plant I bought a leaf from her shop but now trying to buy the plant I would never use anything else

  34. Lynna,

    Nothing happens if you don’t rinse it off…you can’t over-do it if you’re worried about that…

    You can either use it as a mask for 30 minutes or leave it for the night and wash your face in the morning. The only “side effect” of not washing it off is some “stickiness” on your skin.

    Good luck!:)

  35. what happens if you don’t rinse it off after applying
    and you said we should leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes but you also suggested we leave it overnight which should we adhere to

  36. I don’t if you’ll completely remove wrinkles, but you can expect some results after a few weeks. I would make sure to take it internally as well.
    Good luck!

  37. I only want to use straight aloe vera, nothing else. How long should I leave it on my face for before rinsing it off? And how often should I use it on my face?

  38. Hi m thing for cheek and jaw lifting surgery, could you plz tell,if I should avoid this and wait if applying aloe vera gel will lift my sagging jowls? You think aloe vera will really lift ?

  39. Hello,

    What a great blog. I was informed and love natural ingredients. I tried the recipe for a mask using the one with aloe Vera, egg yoke, and olive oil. I did leave it on much longer only because I was busy doing other things. I washed it off, only to see that I developed my amazement. I have used aloe Vera alone and never got hives, or from olive oil. I can only attribute the Hives from maybe the egg yoke, which I am allergic to when eaten, I had no idea that this could occur topically too. Its the only conclusion I can come to as why I broke out. So all those who are allergic to eggs should not use the mask containing recipe. I will use the other recipes include here instead. Again, Thanks for a great blog on aloe Vera benefits..

  40. I just have a question. Do I have to soak the aloe vera plant before to get the iodine out? I read that when you soak it release a red substance which is the iodine……

  41. I had an allergy reaction, it was so bad that covered my face with hives.
    Nothing would help until I got this recipe: oats, lavender oil, mint oil, chamomile oil, and of course aloe Vera … My face healed and in a week was babyface like never before. So I used this recipe as a mask then removed and used an organic aloe Vera gel
    The result was the best skin of my life…

  42. When I was 15 yrs old I got my first pimple on my face and my mom decided she wanted to pop it. Well bad idea, it got so infected that it grew like the size of a pepperoni. I’m not kidding… I went to the Dr, they gave me medication that didn’t go away, I was about to have surgery. Two weeks before our neighbor suggested rubbing pure aloe vera every night… Wowzers, it went away and leaving no scar. Forget about the surgery… we saved huge money.. I’m 32 now and have used the most expensive creams for wrinkles. Recently just got a big pimple on my face and it took me back when I was 15. I was so desperate, ready to go to the dermatology when boom, I thought about aloe Vera. Immediately I started using it every night and OMG, why did I stop using it at 15?? It’s making a big difference on my face plus it’s all-natural. I am soooo happy I started using it again and I will use it every night for the rest of my life!! I totally recommend using aloe vera!!!

  43. Wow Jennifer! That’s amazing!

    Science confirms your personal experience, and I’m thrilled to deliver the message to my readers..thanks for backing me up!:)

  44. I have been using 100% organic aloe gel as a daily moisturizer since I was in my early 20s. I’ve always had very sensitive skin and could never find a product/moisturizer that worked well for me…so it dawned on me to just use aloe all year round instead since it was the only thing that never made my face oily & could always heal dry patches immediately. I just turned 37 a few days ago so it’s been about 17 years that I’ve now been doing this every single day no exceptions. I have people all the time shocked when they find out how old I really am…everyone always thinks I’m still in my mid-20s which is pretty awesome. Yes, I’m sure genetics play a part, but I recently quit smoking which we all know destroys your skin…so if aloe can reduce/eliminate the damage that smoking causes, then trust me it’s a miracle worker!! DO NOT waste your time & money on the million other anti-aging products out there! Aloe is AMAZING & all you need!

  45. Hi Meital,
    I am so delighted that you have enlightened us on the benefits of Aloe Vera for reversing wrinkles and preventing new ones from appearing–oh joy! I can’t wait to try your natural remedies as soon as possible. I ditched most commercial skincare products years ago and just use simple natural remedies so this is perfect for me. Thank you for sharing these natural skincare remedies with us on the Healthy, Happy, Green & Natural Blog Hop! I appreciate it!

  46. This is great information!. I always use aloe vera for sunburns and rashes, but I didn’t realize it was good for wrinkles, thanks!.

  47. Stephanie:),

    The gel should be kept in the fridge and should keep for about 6 days or so…take a sniff after a few days to make sure it’s fresh.

    And yes! It IS very exciting!

    Let me know about your results…:)

  48. So my question is, once you get the gel from cutting a leaf off your plant, how long does that gel stay fresh and how should you store it?
    This is a great post, I can’t wait to try this!

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